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The content of this website is for general informational and educational purposes only. No content of this website or any other web or social media content of the Quantum Light Healthcare Brand or Dr Kat Halloran, ND, PLLC is intended to provide medical advice or to replace the advice or treatment directed by your physician. No diagnosis, medical advice, or treatment plan can ever be rendered without a full understanding of each individual's health history and concerns. Any content provided by the Quantum Light Healthcare brand are presented as general information and should never be taken as direct medical advice. We recommend all viewers of our content to consult their personal physicians regarding specific health questions. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program. 

Engaging with this website, or any other content or offerings of the Quantum Light Healthcare brand or Dr Kat Halloran, ND, PLLC such as social media, podcasts, videos, courses and anything else does not imply, actualize or initiate a patient relationship, until agreed upon in a one-on-one visit, establishing patient care in a proper clinical setting.

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People who have a formal patient relationship with Dr Kat and choose to engage with our brand(s) social media accounts, websites, groups or other offerings on platforms that may reveal their identity (such as Facebook) do so at their own discretion. We will never identify anyone as a current or former patient, no matter the context. What people who are or have been patients share on our public pages or groups is up to the individual and is not protected by HIPAA. 

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