
What if I told you that your fat cells are actually a vital part of your endocrine system and proper hormonal signaling throughout your body?

Surprising, right? We've been told time and time again that “Fat is the enemy” both to our health and our appearance and confidence. In reality, we actually want some fat storage. When our adipose (fat) cells are healthy, they store what they need, they burn what is needed and replace it as necessary, but not to an excessive degree. They also send clearer and healthier messages to the endocrine system. When the endocrine system is getting better messages, it is better able to do its job of balancing hormones throughout the body, signaling hunger (or lack thereof) and more.

The Emerald Laser is the only medical device currently available that actually helps restore your fat cells back to good health.

The problem with liposuction, traditional body contouring and weight loss devices such as CoolSculpting are that they either remove the fat cells altogether or kill the cells. Unsurprisingly, dead cells aren't very good at sending healthy signals to the rest of the body.In fact, some evidence suggests that the “biological trauma” of killing large groups of cells can create an even larger problem in the hormonal system and can also lead to the body building up scar tissue or other reactions it would have while trying to recover and stay alive after major injury, since that is essentially what the body thinks has happened. (Feel free to check out this ongoing CoolSculpting class action lawsuit if you'd like more information about that)

I'll let you in on another secret. The reason that so many people are overweight is because they already have hormone and endocrine imbalances. Creating an opportunity for more is definitely not heading in the direction we want to go.

The Emerald Laser is the only medical device currently available that can actually help restore your fat cells back to a happy, healthy state.


When the Emerald Laser finds a fat cell, it stimulates that cell to open the naturally occurring pore in each fat cell. At the same time, the laser is liquifying (or emulsifying) the fat that is stored inside the cell. As the fat becomes liquid, it seeps outside the cell through that now-opened pore and is quickly picked up and processed out of the body through the lymphatic system.

Once the fat cell has emptied its contents and the laser treatment is over, the pore of the fat cell closes again and that cell is returned back to a healthy state, setting off a chain reaction throughout the endocrine system and body that begins to steer the entire system back towards a healthy balance.


The short answer to that is, Yes, it does mean that. Your body can refill those fat cells. However, the thing that sets the Emerald Laser apart is; because it does not cause harm and trauma the body needs to heal, the cells are returned to health. When the fat cells are returned to health and the entire body is getting “healthy” communication back online, it actually makes it harder to gain weight than it was before.

When the body has a lot of extra weight (this is especially true of extra fat around the stomach area,) there are particular signals that get triggered by this extra weight. The irony of these triggers is that this imbalance can not only make you Hungrier, it also interferes with quality of sleep, increased cortisol (which also makes you even hungrier) and to add absolute insult to injury, the end result of this chain reaction process is that the body actually STORES more fat than it normally would because of all the stress. Basically, the signals are saying “We might starve this winter, EAT whatever you can and SOCK IT AWAY so we have the best chance of survival”.

Before grocery stores, chemical contaminants and endocrine disrupters were absolutely everywhere you look, this system was actually incredibly beneficial. It kept us alive. But these days, the signals that once helped turn that hormonal cycle off, such as long, harsh winters with little food and lots and lots of walking, don't often occur in the average western life.

The Emerald Laser, helps reset the fat cells, the endocrine system, the hormonal balance to a much healthier place than when you began treatment. (It also gives a nice boost to your metabolism, too, helping your body better utilize and burn whatever fat is left in other areas.)

This means that while you can store fat, just like any healthy fat cell can, it is actually less likely to. If you eat a calorie neutral diet, maintain an average active lifestyle, continue to work with a physician on any underlying endocrine issues that can lead to further weight gain (such as thyroid disorders, PCOS, etc) it can actually be quite easy to keep off the weight lost with the Emerald Laser.

In clinical trials, all participants had at least kept off the weight they lost by 7 months after their last treatment (which is when the study ended). Fun Fact: A lot of the participants had actually lost additional weight by 7 months, because of the lasers boost to the metabolism and increased endocrine health. (Study participants had to agree to not change their diet or exercise routines At all during the duration of the study, so additional weight lost after their laser treatment series was not because they started new eating habits or an intense workout routine after their laser treatments ended.)

Anecdotal (not from a study) evidence shows that many, many people are able to keep off the weight they lost far into the future. Unfortunately, the Emerald Laser is pretty new technology, so the people who tried it first are only a couple of years out from their treatments, but many people have had great and continued success with both keeping off the weight they lost, as well as in some cases, continuing to loose more weight, more easily going into the future. **PROTOTYPES HAVE BEEN AROUND FOR 10 YEARS and this is more effective)

How will the Emerald Laser Change Your life?
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